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3. U.S.A. Washington: Folger Shakespeare Library: (I’d like to thank the Folger Shakespeare Library for letting me add these transcripts to the site and Rebecca Oviedo for providing the photocopies. I have placed the group of letters to Augustin Daly on a separate page.)
8 Letters to Augustin Daly (1875 - 93) _____
1. Letter to William Hepworth Dixon - [1862]. 66 U. Stamford St Dear Sir, Hazlitt says that literary experience means simply the relation by individuals of the truths they have read or learnt before twenty. This is only partly true, but I would ask you to let its part-truth apply to my case. I am now twenty, getting on for twenty one, and in spite of the necessary inexperience you have once or twice mentioned, am—I think— able from my range of reading to deal with some provinces of English poetry. This may be egoism; but may I beg you, in your goodness, to test me? You see, I am doing all I can to elbow my way in the world, and I feel very miserable when you tell me my youth is an obstacle to my eating bread and butter—or, which is the same thing, getting it.—Wont you give me one trial with a tolerably good book of poems, and show me an opportunity of uttering part of the little I know, in your columns? Macaulay had an article in the Edinburgh Review when he was twenty; and I myself am doing responsible work for responsible journals.—I wish you would try me with Miss Procter’s forthcoming volume of lyrics. I liked her former book much. Gratefully yours Hepworth Dixon Esq.
[’only’ inserted before ‘partly true’. _____
2. Letter to Alexander Strahan - 1st February, 1873 6 Wells Road Dear Strahan, I enclose “Kitty Kemble” for next month’s St Pauls. It is quite new and very strong. “Poetry & the Drama” by “Walter Hutcheson” in a day or so; and a St “Abe”. Yours ever A. Strahan Esq.
[This letter was originally sold with the (20) proof sheets of ‘Kitty Kemble’ for The Saint Paul’s Magazine corrected by Buchanan, which are now held by the Folger Library. _____
3. Letter to Nicholas Trübner - [1877]. 58 Upper Gloucester Place My dear Sir, Could you kindly favour me with a call—as before—to-morrow morng on your way to the City? I wish most particularly to see you. Yours faithfully N. Trübner Esq
[‘58’in the address and the body of the letter is double-underlined. _____
4. Letter to The Academy - 7th July [1888] Corresp. Stage What is a Tragedy? Hamlet Court, Southend, Essex, July 7. Sir,—I think we are getting very “mixed” in our definitions when Mr Hall Caine describes my play of “Partners”, founded on Daudet’s novel of Fromont Jeune et Risler Ainé, as a melodrama, and thereupon suggests that a Melodrama should be so called because it does not end in the death of the leading character. The difference between Tragedy & Melodrama is in reality technical. The first is a form of art where the old unities of time & place are generally preserved, and where the action moves grandly & monotonously towards the final consummation, foreshadowed from the outset, of a sublime death; in which, moreover, all the interest is subordinated to the one central purpose, to the one solemn issue, generally spiritual & ennobling, & the very essence of which is moral or religious concentration. A melodrama, on the other hand, is a varied picture of life & incident, a mélange, a mingled web of thought, passion, & character, and may or may not end tragically,—the point being that its style & treatment, not its catastrophe, differentiate it from tragedy. The great Sophoclean Trilogy is tragedy pure & simple. Most of Shakspere’s serious plays, notably “Macbeth” and “Richard III,” are melodramas. Such masterpieces as “Hamlet” & “Lear” are of twofold character, extremely melodramatic in their style, highly tragical in a certain monotony of characterization and moral suggestion. Of course, the more popular & etymologically correct definition of Melodrama—ie. drama accompanied with musical effects—will scarcely serve us here; but it is a good & right definition, if we insert the word “varied” before the adjective “musical,” and imply that the drama itself is many-mooded. I am &c.
[Quotation marks around title crossed out. This was Buchanan’s reply to a letter of Hall Caine, published in The Academy on 7th July, 1888. Buchanan’s letter was published in the next edition of The Academy on 14th July, 1888 (image available here). For Caine’s letter and more information, see the Letters to the Press section.] __________
Library of Congress: Letter to Robert Browning - 13th May 1865 Belle Hill My dear Mr Browning – I did care to hear your opinion– More, much more, than you may have imagined. If it were courteous to explain what I think of you, you would know what value I set on every line from your hand. Ever yours truly Robert Browning Esq. __________
Smithsonian Institution - Archives of American Art: Letter to Thomas Buchanan Read - 26th February 1871. Soroba Lodge My dear Mr Read – I have asked Strahan to post you “Napoleon”– Tell me, please, if you get it. If you can send me anything of your own, I will be grateful. Yours most truly T. Buchanan Read Esq.
[Walter Maclaren is mentioned in Chapter XI of the Jay biography, regarding Buchanan’s move to Bexhill in 1865: Four paintings by Walter Maclaren ] __________
University Libraries: Baylor University, Waco, Texas - Armstrong Browning Library 25 Maresfield Gardens Dear Sims – In drawing out Bill I stupidly omitted the word “two”—will you kindly write it in with your initials following, thus: ‘two – G. R. S. ? Always yours G.R. Sims Esq. Shall be glad to hear about Cousin Phil – Am reading the French play.
[The collaboration of Buchanan with G. R. Sims produced five plays for the Adelphi Theatre, from The English Rose (first produced 2nd August 1890) to The Black Domino (1st April 1893). The Maresfield Gardens address gives a similar time frame for the date of this letter - although I don’t have the exact dates, he was living there from August 1890 to November 1894. The Armstrong Browning Library also has Mary Buchanan’s photograph album, selections from which are available on this site.] __________
Colorado College, Tutt Library - Alice Bemis Taylor Collection: Letter to Benjamin Webster Jr. - 28th June, 1867. Bexhill Dear Sir, I send you some lines to Miss Terry,—to which you will kindly sign my name in full, as I do not wish to seem an indiscriminate contributor. I should like to see a proof. Faithfully yours Benjamin Webster Esq Jun.
[‘your father’ crossed out and ‘Mr Webster Sen.’ written above. __________
Harvard University - Houghton Library: 1. Letter to Dr. Thomas King Chambers - 5th June, 1870. Soroba Dear Dr Chambers, The public announcement came suddenly, & we knew wd: reach you, long ere we could communicate the tidings. Much of “this too, I owe to thee, Jaffar!” Yours always T. K. Chambers Esq. M. D.
[Autograph file, B. *46M-400. Houghton Library, Harvard University. _____
2. Letter to Nicholas Trübner - 27th February, 1880. Private 97 Burton Road Dear Mr Trübner, I send this to your private address, as I wish the whole of the arrangements for my book to be as secret as possible. The City of Dream: I wish it to be not in one volume, but in three small vols, to be published simultaneously, or at intervals of a month. Thus: Part I. Each vol. to contain about 150 pp. & to be published at 3/6. The complete work, 10/6. Yours faithfully Nicolas Trübner Esq.
[Autograph File, B. *54M-179. Houghton Library, Harvard University. _____
3. Letter to Messrs. Fields & Osgood, New York City - 22nd September [1884]. 42 East 23rd Street Dear Sirs, I have ready a poem of some importance, entitled “Schopenhauer; or, the New Buddha”, & can offer you the use of it in the ‘Atlantic Monthly’ for one hundred dollars, payable on acceptance of M.S. Do you care to consider it? Truly yours Messrs Fields & Osgood.
[Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, Papers (MS Am 1429) (1014) Houghton Library, Harvard University. I’d like to thank Mary Haegert of the Houghton Library for her help in acquiring these letters.] _____
U.C.L.A. - Charles E. Young Research Library As well as the twenty-two letters from Robert Buchanan to William Hepworth Dixon (available here) the Charles E. Young Research Library of UCLA has another thirty-eight items related to Buchanan, which are transcribed below. I would like to thank Molly Haigh for her help in acquiring copies.
Miscellaneous Manuscripts Collection (Collection 100). Library Special Collections,
1. Letter to Mr. Bower - 24th January 1861. 66 Upper Stamford St Dear Mr Bower, I’m reading this “Life of Wilson,” but am not quite sure what I can make of it. You know that the reviews of books in All the Year Round are not reviews, and demand an interesting story. I’ll do my best with it, but you must not be disappointed if I’m unsuccessful. Truly yours [Notes: I’ve found no trace of ‘Mr. Bower’ (or Bowe, Bowen or Bowes) or his “Life of Wilson”. _____
2. Letter to Linnaeus Banks - 24th [late 1864 - early1865]. Woodlands Cottage Dear Sir, I have tried hard to finish an address in the scanty time you allowed me in your last note, but find it impossible. Unless you can give me a day or so longer, I must resign the Task. Faithfully yours Linnaeus Banks Esq. I could finish it for you, by Wednesday next. [Notes: _____
3. Letter to [Alexander Strahan] - 4th April 1866. Bexhill Dear [Strahan], I purpose making Translating the subject of next month’s article. But [ ] is useless—his remarks are false, & all his illustrations are dreadfully hacknied. Could you get me Lord Derby’s “Homer” at once, & post it down? Of course I shall be as amusing as I can. Always yours [A. Strahan Esq.] [Notes: Lord Derby’s translation of The Iliad was published in December 1864. I have not come across any article on the subject of ‘Translating’ which is possibly by Buchanan in either The Argosy, The Contemporary Review or Good Words (all Strahan titles published monthly) for May or June 1866. _____
4. Letter to John Dennis - 6th March 1873. Holyrood House My dear Dennis, I return the sonnets; they have been delayed thro’ illness. As to Macklehose refusing permission, you surprise me. Do you mean Macmillan, who pubd the “Luggie”? If so, I will write to him on the subject. He has no possible right to interfere. Indeed, all Gray’s manuscripts are in my possession, being assigned to me by his father; and as to Macmillan having any claim over the pubd pieces, that is fudge, as the edition was sold out & must have paid all its expenses. Yours sincerely John Dennis Esq. [Notes: John Dennis (1825-1911) was the author of various works about poetry and literature including English Sonnets, a Selection which was published in 1873 and includes four sonnets by David Gray (pp. 190-193), one of which is dedicated to Robert Buchanan.] _____
5. Letter to R. H. Hutton - 23rd August [1875]. Rossport Lodge My dear Mr Hutton, I am very glad that you are going to read the story yourself, for I think you will like it; it is, at any rate, no common novel, but deals with quite new scenes & characters. Should your opinion be favorable, as I hope, I trust it may lead to an early review, which is half the battle for a new author, most critics being so slavish in following authoritative opinion good or bad. I am very anxious about the fate of this work, as the nature of its reception will either greatly depress or greatly stimulate an author of whom I expect great things. Ever yours R. H. Hutton Esq. N. B. Extraordinary as some of the scenes & characters are, I can vouch for them being true transcripts of Irish civilization! [Notes: R. H. Hutton was the editor of The Spectator and an extensive review of Harriett Jay’s first novel, The Queen of Connaught (the obvious subject of this letter), appeared in that journal on 11th September, 1875.] _____
6. Letter to Richard Gowing - [November 1875]. 16 Upper Glo’ster Place Dear Sir, If this isn’t strong enough, or too strong, doctor it at pleasure. One feels rather comic writing so of oneself, but an adv. is an adv!! I have mentioned some of the most popular pieces. Yours truly Richd Gowing Esq. [Notes: Richard Gowing was the editor of The Gentleman’s Magazine (1874-1877), which published several of Buchanan’s poems from May, 1874 onwards, and also the serialisation of Buchanan’s first novel, The Shadow of the Sword, which ran from January to December, 1876. According to the letters to William Canton in Chapter 18 of Harriett Jay’s biography of Buchanan, the original title of the novel was ‘Romaine’ and the final letter in that sequence (in which Buchanan breaks the partnership and says he is abandoning the novel and turning it into a poem) is dated 19th May, 1875. In Chapter 20 of the Jay biography, Buchanan’s letter to Richard Gowing detailing the terms of the agreement relating to the publication of The Shadow of the Sword is reproduced: “16, UPPER GLOUCESTER PLACE, DORSET SQUARE “DEAR SIR,—Your memorandum is correct, with the exception that you put pounds instead of guineas, and that you introduce as points of legality several mere points of usage and understanding. It is agreed that I write you a story for the magazine, all copyright and re-print rights of which I reserve for the sum of one hundred and eighty guineas, payable in monthly cheques, that this story leads the magazine for at least six months of the twelve; that a half-page advertisement of my poems fronts the story each number, and in the event of your having to displace the story after six months you withdraw the advertisement and return me ten guineas, half the sum allowed for the same. These are the main points. As to delivery of copy I will not be bound rigidly, but I will do all in my power to let you have what you require, and shall be quite as anxious as you to be well ahead. Although the year is not given, it is obviously 1875, prior to the first instalment of the serial being published in the January 1876 edition of the magazine, and since the negotiations are still going on about the terms of the agreement I would suggest it is from the same month, November, as the letter in the Jay biography - certainly no later than December, 1875. The mention of the ‘volume of Ballads’ seems to indicate that Buchanan wanted Gowing to publish a book of his poetry, but, in the end, Gowing published neither the Ballads nor the book version of The Shadow of the Sword.] _____
7. Letter to Richard Gowing - 1st May [1876]. 51 Upper Gloucester Place Dear Mr Gowing, I send you another slip (16). Now, I wonder if it will do to end here this month? I meant to add another short chapter, but it occurs to me that the words “Yes, I am here!” would form an exciting finish for the number. Kindly let me have proofs at once, & if the copy doesn’t make enough I will add on the Chapter. Yours always R. Gowing Esq. [Notes: ‘I am Here’ occurs at the end of Chapter 29 of The Shadow of the Sword in the June 1876 edition of The Gentleman’s Magazine - “Yes, Mikel Grallon, I am here.”] _____
8. Letter to James Grant Wilson - 30th August [1876]. Rossport Lodge Dear Sir Yours of the 20th has just reached me. Kindly let me see your “biographical notice”, which you offer to show me; I dont know where you get your materials, but any other “notices” I have seen are simply tissues of blunders. Willie Baird (as arranged) If you use these poems, I must stipulate that you print them from the revised copies in my “Poetical Works,” pubd in 3 vols by “King & Co.”—“Willie Baird” is in Vol 2, the four next pieces in Vol 1, and the Sonnets in Vol 3. The last-named (Sonnets), if extracted as marked, will form a complete series of 10, well-connected in sequence of thought & feeling, & as they are descriptive of phases of Scottish scenery, are doubly appropriate. Yours truly Jas Grant Wilson Esq. [Notes: In December 1876, the second volume of The Poets and Poetry of Scotland, edited by James Grant Wilson, was published. It included a portrait of Buchanan and the following poems: ‘Willie Baird’, ‘The Dead Mother’, ‘The Ballad of Judas Iscariot’, ‘The Battle of Drumliemoor’ and ‘The Starling’. Another incidental connection between Buchanan and James Grant Wilson concerns the biography of John James Audubon which was published in 1869, as explained on the ‘Audubon Controversy’ page: “Robert Buchanan was commissioned by the publishers, Sampson Low, Son & Marston, to write a biography of John James Audubon, or, rather, to edit a manuscript and other materials supplied by Audubon’s widow. The resulting book, The Life and Adventures of John James Audubon, the Naturalist was published in 1868. It did not meet with the approval of Mrs. Audubon and, after three editions (and one in New York by E. P. Dutton & Co.), she prepared her own revised version of the work, with the help of James Grant Wilson. This was published in 1869 by G. P. Putnam as The Life of John James Audubon, the Naturalist. Then, in 1912, Buchanan’s original version was added to the ˜Everyman’s Library’ published by J. M. Dent & Sons in London and E. P. Dutton & Co. in New York. This resulted, rather ironically, in Buchanan’s The Life and Adventures of J. J. Audubon remaining in print far longer than most of his other works.”] _____
9. Letter to James Chambers - 2nd December [1876]. 16 Upper Gloucester Place Sir, Your letter dated Nov. 3rd has only just reached my hand. I gladly comply with your polite request & believe me I am Sir Yours sincerely James Chambers Esq. [Notes: I have no idea who this particular James Chambers is, and so the letter could just be a response to a request for an autograph.] _____
10. Letter to Marcus Ward & Co. - 18th March [1881]. 5 Larkhall Rise Gentn, Certainly. Pray use what selections you please for your Book of Days. Faithfully yours Messrs Marcus Ward & Co. [Notes: Marcus Ward and Co. ‘was a British publishing company known for its illustrated books for children and adults, as well as its decorative greeting cards’.] _____
11. Letter to [unknown] - 28th April [1881]. “The Exiles of Erin, or St Abe & his Seven Wives”—founded on the satire, “St Abe”—scene partly in Ireland, partly in Salt Lake City—Scenery realistic, from actual sketches taken in Utah and the West—Heroine played by Miss Harriett Jay—A particular feature will be the presentation by Mr Stanislaus Calhaem of the American Indian as he is, not as he appears in fiction—five acts & seven Tableaux—to be produced at Olympic, Saturday May 7 ___________ Olympic Dear Sir, From above mems. kindly form paragraph for [?] printing [?] R. Buchanan. [Notes: Buchanan must have sent out several such notes to the various papers and magazines, and this item from The Referee of 1st May, 1881 seems to suggest that one, at least, responded to his request.] |
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12. Letter to [unknown] - 13th April [1882]. Imperial Theatre Dear Sir, The insertion of enclosed in your issue of next Saturday will be greatly esteemed. The explanation is absolutely necessary, as I think you will admit. Truly yours [Notes: The only play of Buchanan’s at the Imperial Theatre was Lucy Brandon, which ran from 8th to 15th April, 1882. Whatever was enclosed with this letter has been lost so one can only speculate. The early closure of Lucy Brandon seems to have been due to poor reviews, although Buchanan later took the managers of the Imperial to court to recoup £76 he had lent them prior to the production of the play. At the same time Buchanan had another play running at the Olympic Theatre, The Shadow of the Sword. This play, produced and, apparently, co-written by, and starring John Coleman, was also having difficulties, which led to an exchange of letters in The Era. The first of these appeared on Saturday, 15th April, 1882 and was dated by Buchanan, ‘Imperial Theatre, April 12th.’ I wonder whether that was the ‘enclosed’ item from this letter. If not, then I would suggest that the missing item would have been destined for another weekly paper and would have been along the same lines.] _____
13. Letter to the Proprietor of the Newcastle Chronicle - 25th October [1882]. Oct. 25. Dear Sir, The publication of my new story (in the L’pool Mercury, People’s Friend, &c.) has been delayed until the first week in December. If that delay will enable you to make me an offer for its use, I shall be glad to hear from you. Faithfully yours The Proprietor [Notes: The year is speculative. Buchanan did treat the serialisation of his novels as a lucrative and easy revenue stream, especially when his other work ran into difficulties. I have not come across a Buchanan serial in the Newcastle Chronicle, so I don’t know whether the editor took him up on his offer. The only serial I’ve found published in the Liverpool Mercury in December is Annan Water, which commenced publication on 16th December, 1882. And although there was no publication of the novel in The People’s Friend, it was published in the People’s Journal, commencing 9th December, 1882. So, I would suggest that this is a probable date for this letter.] _____
14. Letter to Theo. Marzials - 28th February [1883]. We want simple, Westward Ho My dear Sir, Would you care to do a little music for my new Adelphi play? There is a part song, & some other pieces; and I should be very proud of your co-operation. Most truly yours Theo. Marzials Esq. [Notes: This letter to the musician and poet, Theophilus Marzials, relates to Buchanan’s play Storm-Beaten which ran from 14th March to 8th June, 1883 at the Adelphi Theatre. However, nothing’s simple. There is another surviving letter from Buchanan to Marzials, dated 3rd January, presumably 1883: ‘36 Craven Street My Dear Sir, Of course my letter was misdated, & I cant think how the mistake occurred. Thanks for your kind reply. I will endeavour to call upon you some time before one o'clock to-morrow, but pray dont remain at home on that account —if you have other arrangements—I will take my chance. Truly yours Theo. Marzials Esq.’ Dealing with the two addresses first: the furnished rooms at 36 Craven Street (round the corner from the Adelphi) were being used by Buchanan at this time, while his mother was living in the Westward Ho boarding house in Southend. As for the dates, is the ‘Westward Ho’ letter the misdated one referred to in the ‘Craven Street’ letter, in which case it was presumably written on the 28th December, 1882? Or did Buchanan just send it after his proposed meeting with Marzials? If the 28th February date of the ‘Westward Ho’ letter is correct, then Buchanan intended to meet Marzials in the week of 5th to 11th March. And Storm-Beaten was due to open on the 14th March? It doesn’t seem to give Mr. Marzials much time to provide ‘a part song, & some other pieces’. Marzials did write a part song for the play and the title, at least, has survived on amazon - ‘May Music’. As always when I mention Mr. Marzials I have to extend my thanks to Helen Assaf.] _____
Letters from U.C.L.A., Charles E. Young Research Library - continued or back to Letters from Collections - List