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George Heath


The Moorland Poet

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George Heath, The Moorland Poet
an article by Robert Buchanan from Good Words, March 1871.

Up and Down the County. LVI. — RUDYARD
from The Staffordshire Sentinel, 7 August, 1880.

Up and Down the County. LXIX. — GRATTON
from The Staffordshire Sentinel, 26 February, 1881.

George Heath. The Staffordshire Moorland Poet
an article by the Rev. George Bird, M.A. from Great Thoughts, August 1894.

The Moorland Poet
Chapter XXV of Staffordshire Worthies by Frederick Wm. Hackwood, 1911.

George Heath
from Staffordshire Poets, 1928.

from Arthur Mee’s Staffordshire, 1937.

The Heaths of Gratton
from The Leek Post & Times, 12 August, 1939.




Reviews of Heart Strains and the 1870 Memorial Edition




George Heath, The Moorland Poet by Elisha Walton

An Elegy. On The Late George Heath by Elijah Cope



Two pages from The Staffordshire Sentinel featuring George Heath’s poems:

 ‘Minnie, Edith, and Lizzie’

(9th February, 1867 - p.3)

‘Stanzas To———’

(2nd March, 1867 - p.3)



The Friends of George Heath

Information about Rev. James Badnall, Herbert W. Foster and Francis Redfern.




The Birth and Death Certificates of George Heath



Heath Family Tree

(I’d like to thank Shaun Simms for providing this copy of the Heath family tree. Shaun would also like to thank Harry Burns for helping to compile it.)



The Life and Works of George Heath the Moorland Poet by Pauline Hart



George Heath and T. E. Hulme - Coincidence?



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