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3. 1887 - 1892.
63. Postcard to Chatto & Windus. 22nd May, 1887. Southend, Dear Sirs Kindly send a copy of God & the Man (3/6 edition) to Mr Alex. Grossart, Villa Cannes, 26 Elgin Terrace, Harrow Road W. & oblige Yours truly Messrs. Chatto & Windus.
[Collection page no. 100. The only thing I’ve found about Alex. Grossart is the following mention in the Burns Chronicle & Club Directory (No. XIX, January 1910, p. 142) about the Liverpool Burns Club: _____
64. Letter to Andrew Chatto. 6th June [1887]. 59, LINCOLNS INN FIELDS, W.C. Dear Mr Chatto, Will you kindly let Bearer have 2 copies of the cheap edition of Foxglove Manor? & much oblige Yours always A. Chatto Esq.
[Collection page no. 95. The collection is rather confused at this point (this item is immediately followed by a letter from 25, Maresfield Gardens, which is obviously from some years later) so there is some doubt about the year. Chatto & Windus published a cheap, 2 shilling, edition of Foxglove Manor in March, 1886, which might indicate June 1886 as the correct date. However, the letter is presumably written on Buchanan’s solicitor’s notepaper. Buchanan was involved in two legal actions arising from the dismissal of Amy Roselle from the cast of Alone in London at the Olympic Theatre. The first, an accusation of slander, came before the courts in March, 1886 but was not resolved until a hearing on 7th June, 1887. The second, brought by Amy Roselle against Anna Conover, manager of the Olympic, for wrongful dismissal, came before the court in January, 1887. Because of the coincidence of the dates for the slander hearing, I would suggest that this letter was written in 1887. Reports of the trials are available here.] _____
65. Letter to Chatto & Windus. Undated.
City of Dream Dear Sirs, I send the finish of Book XI, left blank by Printer. He can now add it straight on the matter in pages, following it right on with the printed matter sent in sheets.—i.e. He can now give me the whole thing (as far as printed) in pages, which I will correct & return at once. Truly yours Messrs Chatto & Windus.
[Collection page no. 101. _____
66. Letter to Chatto & Windus. 13th October [1887]. 9 Gower Street Dear Sirs, Your letter has reached me, & you shall have the whole remaining proofs of the City of Dream within the next few days. I will also put the frontispiece (an excellent picture by Macnab) into Mr Swan’s hands for immediate engraving. Yours truly Messrs Chatto & Windus.
[Collection page no. 102. The City of Dream was published with a frontispiece by Peter Macnab. ‘Mr. Swan’ is presumably Joseph Swan, who founded the Swan Engraving Company in Lambeth in 1885. _____
67. Letter to Andrew Chatto. 19th October [1887]. 9 Gower St Dear Mr Chatto, Proofs & all copy of C of D. sent herewith. If you will let me have the revises & concluding proofs at once, the work can be out within a week or so. Yours always A. Chatto Esq
[Collection page no. 104.] _____
68. Letter to Andrew Chatto. 24th October [1887]. HAMLET COURT, Dear Mr Chatto, Are you hurrying up the printer of City of Dream? There shall be no delay on my part, if you wish to get the book out at once. Yours truly A. Chatto Esq.
[Collection page no. 105. _____
69. Letter to Chatto & Windus. Undated. HAMLET COURT, To Messrs Chatto & Windus. Waiting for revises of last sheets of City of Dream. Contents, Dedication &c. enclosed. Buchanan.
[Collection page no. 106. _____
70. Letter to Andrew Chatto. 8th January, 1888. HAMLET COURT, Dear Mr Chatto, Enclosed please find the last proofs of City of Dream. I am doubtful however if I have corrected the sheet immediately previous, beginning p. 247 & ending 252—and in any case I should like to glance at it again. Always yours A. Chatto Esq.
[Collection page no. 107. _____
71. Letter to Andrew Chatto. 10th March [1888]. 9 Gower St Dear Mr Chatto, Kindly send copies of “City of Dream” as soon as possible to the following: E. D. I. Wilson, Times Office – “Author’s Compts” in each. All will be of more or less service to the book & to Yours truly A. Chatto Esq
[Collection page no. 108. _____
72. Letter to Andrew Chatto. 10th April [1888]. Hamlet Court Dear Mr Chatto, I shall be glad if you will send me any critiques on the City of Dream that come in your way. I have seen only the Academy & the Glasgow Herald. Yours very truly A. Chatto Esq.
[Collection page no. 109. _____
73. Letter to Andrew Chatto. 8th May [1888]. Hamlet Court Dear Mr Chatto, I think it would be worth your while (and certainly worth mine) to insert enclosed, in extensõ not shortened, in a special advt in this week’s Athenæum, Academy, Spectator &c. If you do not wish to incur the expense, & will let me know the cost, I will repay it. I should be very thankful, too, if you would separate the work in any future announcement. It looks more than odd, sandwiched between such works as Mark Twain & Mary Ann Married! Verb. sap. Yours always truly Andrew Chatto Esq. I am posting the missing chapters of story.
after usual advt In returning thanks for literature at the Royal Academy Banquet, Mr Lecky the Historian spoke as follows of Mr Buchanan’s latest poem: “ |
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” [Collection page no. 111. _____
74. Andrew Chatto’s note regarding adverts in the press. [Undated.]
1 Col Ath 3 3 0 3. 3. 0 _______________________ Mr Buchanan will send new copy for these extra advts for which he will contribute an additional 10£.
[Collection page no. 222. _____
75. Letter to Andrew Chatto. 14th May [1888]. 9 Gower Street Dear Mr Chatto, On referring to our agreement for the purchase of my poetical works, I find that it is somewhat informal, and does not cover a considerable portion of the writings inserted in the cheap edition, while it certainly does cover certain works which were not embraced in the 3 vol edition of the poems. It also seems to surrender unconditionally the copyright, with no mention of time. Truly yours Andrew Chatto Esq.
[Collection page no. 112 and 113.] _____
76. Letter to Andrew Chatto. 7th December [1888]. 9 Gower St Dear Chatto, Yours received. I am just going to Southend, but I will see you on Monday at long last. Yours ever A. Chatto Esq I should have seen you as arranged, but my time has been occupied —— to-night with rehearsals.
[Collection page no. 114. Of the letter itself, the first dubious phrase, ‘at long last’, is a wild guess, but is not really important. The next awkward section, with the gaps, occurs at the end of the first page and borders on gibberish, but it’s the best I can do. The final gap in the postscript is the result of a library stamp obscuring a word in the letter, so not my fault. All I can do is apologise for the imperfect transcription of this letter. If I ever see the original I may be able to improve it, if not, I will have another go when those computers they use on C.S.I. come on the market.] _____
77. Letter to Andrew Chatto. 13th February [1889]. ‘Leyland’ Dear Mr Chatto, I propose to call upon you to-morrow rê the business of my books & to make you a definite offer. Truly yours A. Chatto Esq.
[Collection page no. 212. _____
78. Telegram to Andrew Chatto. 1889.
— Chatto Chatto & Windus Will call tomorrow to complete Buchanan Southend
[Collection page no. 115. _____
79. Memorandum from Chatto & Windus. 19th September, 1889.
Memorandum From Chatto & Windus,
Copyright Stereos Earthquake & City of Dream R Dene 120 Ptg do 28 Bal of a/c 19 Int 150 each
[Collection page no. 116. _____
80. Letter to Andrew Chatto. 20th September [1889]. 17 Cavendish Place Dear Chatto, My solicitor did not turn up last night, but he will be here—ie. in Town—at midday & I have left instructions for him to draw up the agreent in accordance with our mutual understanding. In the meantime, will you kindly have drawn out a formal schedule of the books, stereos & stock, exactly as they stand now to be appended to the agreement. You may consider the affair over, & we will complete finally on my return to Town on Monday. Yours truly A. Chatto Esq.
[Collection page no. 117. _____
81. Letter to Andrew Chatto. 24th September [1889]. 17 Cavendish Place Dear Chatto, I failed to get a settlement of certain accounts to-day, & so had to disappoint you. It is, however, only a matter of hours—only I cant press my debtors in formâ pauperis. The money is waiting for me, however. Yours truly A. Chatto Esq.
[Collection page no. 118.] _____
82. List of Buchanan’s works held by Chatto & Windus. Undated.
28 clo. Ballads of Life Love & Humour with frontispiece by Arthur Hughes 8 clo. Undertones no stereos. 2 clo. London Poems no stereos. – clo The Book of Orm no stereos. – clo White Rose & Red no stereos. 7 clo. Idylls & Legends of Inverburn Stereos 45 clo Selected Poems by Robt. Buchanan with front by Dalzeil Stereos & front. 308 clo. A Poets SketchBook – Saint Abe Stereos & frontispiece – Collected Poems 3 vol ed. as. 800 Moulds of this type & Engraved fronts 79. clo Complete Poetical Works one vol. Ed. stereos The Earthquake moulds of the type The City of Dream moulds of the type
[Collection page no. 120. I presume ‘clo’ (cloth) refers to books which have been bound and are ready for sale, whereas ‘qrs’ (quires) are the number of unbound copies of printed sheets.] _____
83. Page from Chatto & Windus’s Trade Catalogue with notes. Undated. |
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The right to use the standing type of Rachel Dene to be forthwith transferred to Mr Robert Buchanan who shall be at liberty to publish it immediately, but the copyrights, stereotypes and stock of the other works named in the schedule to be retained by Messrs. Chatto & Windus until the bills named above have been paid.
[Collection page no. 124. _____
86. Letter to Andrew Chatto. 9th October [1889]. 17 Cavendish Place Dear Mr Chatto, Could you send me up the draft of agreement by hand early tomorrow? I could read it quietly, & then come down & conclude in the afternoon. Yours truly A. Chatto Esq.
[Collection page no. 126. _____
87. Letter to Andrew Chatto. 13th November, 1890. MERKLAND, My dear Chatto, Besant the foe of all Publishers says they are subject to ‘aberrations’—hence possibly your note of this morning. I paid you £100 cash on Oct 4, 1889, to buy back Rachel Dene, & there was an addendum that I should buy back the poems &c. Owing to the rush of work, I have not gone further, but I must respectfully & politely inform you that Rachel Dene is not yours to publish, as you have had back from me the princely purchase money, or at least £100 of it– I much mistake your character if you really want to ‘rush’ me on a matter of this sort, knowing as you well do that I dont want to reprint Rachel Dene at all. Yours truly Messrs Chatto & Windus.
[Collection page no. 127 and 128. _____
88. Letter to Andrew Chatto. 29th November, 1890. MERKLAND, Dear Chatto, I have dated enclosed cheque the 7th prox, as my own ac/ for the next few days will be overdrawn, & Miss Jay wont pay in certain monies till the end of this week. I suppose this will suit you. Enclosed also are the Bills & the Agreement. Yours truly A. Chatto Esq.
[Collection page no. 129. _____
89. Letter to Andrew Chatto. 15th February [1891]. TELEPHONE No 7442. MERKLAND, Dear Mr Chatto, This is to introduce to you Mr W. Cairns Jones, who wishes you to read a novel which he has written. He is a very able man, the son of the late Lloyd Jones, of whom you have of course heard. I shall take it as a personal favour if you will assist his views in any way possible. Truly yours Andrew Chatto Esq. [Collection page no. 96 and 98. This letter occurs much earlier in the collection and is obviously misfiled. Buchanan moved to Maresfield Gardens in November, 1889 and the second version of the letterheaded notepaper, with the telephone number, was used from 1891 to 1893. Therefore, this letter could also be from 1892 or 1893, but, until more information is available, I thought it might as well be placed here. Presumably enclosed with Buchanan’s letter was William Cairns Jones’ card (Collection page no. 98), which just bears his name.] _____
90. Reader’s Report on Across The Meadows by William Cairns Jones. Undated.
Across the Meadows. Serially published in a county newspaper. Mr. Robt Buchanan introduces the author & says he is a very able man, the son of the late Lloyd-Jones. A very tedious work. Retd. We return our best thanks for the favour of the perusal of the slips of your story entitled “Across the Meadows” kindly recommended to our notice by our friend Mr Robert Buchanan. We regret to say however that in view of the large number of new books which we have already in hand, and of the overcrowded state of the book market, we doubt our ability to secure a remunerative sale for the novel, and here we are therefore reluctantly compelled to forego the opportunity of making a proposal for the publication of it. We return the copy herewith again thanking you for the sight of it.
[Collection page no. 99. _____
91. Letter to Andrew Chatto. 2nd March [1891]. TELEPHONE No 7442. MERKLAND, Dear Chatto, A sudden whirlwind of demands prevented me meeting the £150, which I thought was due some weeks later. I will, however, see to it without delay—unless you are agreeable to place it to the credit of the Outcast’s first 1000 copies. I find the book will cost me far more than I expected, & what with sums to artists, engravers &c. I am much out of pocket– Suppose you made me a clear deal for the 1st edition, delivered complete into your hands? The book is now ready, & all the pictures completed save one—a head by Rudolf Blind (and a very fine one) of the Hero, to serve as frontispiece. At the rate of half price per copy, the nett price being 8/-, the amt for the 1000 would be £200, but there would of course be a certain number out of that of review-copies & odd numbers in dozens. Truly yours Andrew Chatto Esq.
[On reverse of second page, written by Andrew Chatto.]
Mar. 5. Agreed with Mr. Buchanan that he should send £50 tomorrow on a/c of his bill for £150 and that upon receipt of 1000 copies of the Outcast we should advance offer on account of the sales of that work ie £100 to liquidate the balance of the bill which should then be cancelled. “The Outcast” is to be published by us at 8/- and we are to account to Mr. Buchanan for copies sold at 4/- each 13 copies as 12. We will advertise it in our lists & announcements in the customary manner. A. C.
[Collection page no. 130 and 131. This letter suggests that Buchanan was intending to become his own publisher with The Outcast. His financial position at this time is, as usual, rather confusing. The English Rose, written in collaboration with G. R. Sims, had opened at the Adelphi on 2nd August 1890 and was a great success - Buchanan cashing in his share of the rights for £2500. However, earlier that year, Buchanan had produced The Bride of Love at the Lyric and it had been a costly failure, losing £5000. Two more plays, The Struggle for Life and The Sixth Commandment had also failed in the autumn of 1890, and he had also taken Lillie Langtry to court over Lady Gladys (Buchanan claiming £2000 damages and being awarded £150). Buchanan might also have been living beyond his means at Maresfield Gardens (the 1891 census lists three servants: a housemaid, a cook and a coachman) and although his partnership with G. R. Sims was successful at the Adelphi, Sims had also introduced Buchanan to the racetrack (in the accounts of Buchanan’s bankruptcy, his gambling losses were given as £1200). _____
92. Memorandum from Chatto & Windus. 9th March, 1891. Copy. Memorandum From Chatto & Windus, To
Dear Sir, We agree to hold over your bill for £150 due March 1st last, you paying us a cheque for £50 on account and sending us an edition of 1000 copies of your new poem ‘The Outcast’, which we shall publish at 8/- and account to you for all copies sold at 4/- per copy 13 as 12. We will on receipt of the copies of ‘The Outcast’ advance in discharge of this bill £100 on account of sales of the ‘Outcast’. Chatto & Windus
[Collection page no. 132. _____
93. Letter to Chatto & Windus. 14th March, 1892. TELEPHONE No 7442. MERKLAND, Dear Sirs, Ill call on you rê your letter tomorrow or Wednesday– Yours truly Messrs. Chatto & Windus.
[Collection page no. 134 and 135. The Buchanan Ballads Old and New, was published in March 1892 by John Haddon and Company, with a heading on the title page which read: “Buchanan’s Poems For The People. 1”. As well as containing new work, several poems had been published by Chatto & Windus in Selected Poems, Ballads of Life, Love and Humour and the 1884 collected edition of The Poetical Works. The poem which Buchanan refers to as being included in the original purchase of copyrights is probably ‘Tom Dunstan’, which was originally published in London Poems.] _____
94. Draft letter from Chatto & Windus. 18th March, 1892. 18th Mar 92 Sir We have the pleasure of enclosing all the outstanding acceptances you gave us in respect of your purchase of the copyrights &c of your poems according to our agreement with you of 28 Nov 1890 which acceptances are now fully discharged and accordingly the copyrights a/c specified in the schedule in that agreement we now assign to you. We also enclose account of the sales to date of the stock in hand transferred to you together with one cheque for the balance £5 16/3 due to you in respect to the sales. I will leave 115 copies of the Outcast in our hands to be returned to you or accounted for when sold as you may prefer. We also send you orders on the printers for the transfer to you of the stereos and moulds, and we shall be glad to secure your instructions as to the delivery of the Stock
[Collection page no. 136. Since the draft is dated, and comes a few days after Buchanan’s letter of 14th March complaining of Chatto & Windus’ accusation of copyright infringement regarding The Buchanan Ballads Old and New, the implication is that Buchanan decided to pay the remainder of what he owed and finally bring to a close the process of buying back the copyrights of his poetical works, which had begun four years earlier, in the letter of 14th May, 1888. Buchanan’s finances at this point would have been boosted by the success of his second Adelphi drama written with G. R. Sims, The Trumpet Call.] _____
95. Telegram to Chatto & Windus. 17th December, 1892.
Chatto & Windus Complete proofs shall reach printer first post Monday Buchanan
[Collection page no. 138. _____
The Chatto & Windus Letters - continued
Robert Buchanan’s Letters to Chatto & Windus - contents